Phase-shifting 15, 30, or 45 degrees with

Phase-Shift Transformers

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Build configurations and capabilities

Electrical Characteristics

Phase Shift=15°, 30°, 45°


50Hz and/or 60Hz

Voltages=Up to 30 kVrms

NRTL to UL 1561

Terminal Configurations

Copper buss bar

Silicon bronze hardware

Terminal strip

Ring-lug compatibility

Touch-safe configurations

Lexan covers


Enclosures and weather

NEMA enclosures

NEMA 1: General purpose

NEMA 3: Weather-resistant (falling dirt, windblown dust, rain, sleet, snow, formation of ice)

NEMA 3R: Same as 3, omits protection against windblown dust

NEMA 4: Watertight

NEMA 4X: Same as 4, but stainless steel

NEMA 6: Submersible



Circuit breakers

EMO switches


Examples of Phase-Shift Transformers

30 degree phase shift transformer

750 kVA Phase-Shift Transformer

3-Phase, 60Hz

Primary=4,160 Vrms L-L Delta

Secondary=480 Vrms L-L at 451 Arms

Phase shifted=30°

NEMA1 enclosure

NRTL to UL 1561, CE Mark

185 kVA Phase-Shift Transformer

185kVA transformer

3-Phase, 50/60Hz

Primary=460/470/480/490/550 Vrms L-L Delta

Secondary=208/120 Vrms @ 185 kVA

Circuit protection

NEMA1 enclosure

NRTL to UL 1561, 508A, CE Mark